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Ready to Serve in the New Normal Era

Telecommunications and data services are one of the main pillars of sustaining the activities of Indonesian citizens in various sectors while facing the Covid-19 pandemic. For that reason, one thing that is certain for us here at XL Axiata is to provide the services to our customers, both individuals and institutions, to the maximum extent and effort, in order for them to remain productive. We have made various breakthroughs to make it easier for customers to receive and benefit from our products and services. In fact, we have not postponed any plans related to efforts in improving network quality. Developments in network services continued and was possible by implementing health protocols for all workers involved.


Now, strict limitations has been eased in various regions. The economic wheel must indeed continue to spin again in order for businesses and workers can return to their activities and the community can earn an income once again as it was before the outbreak (pre-pandemic). XL Axiata will continue to support the government’s effort and the community in returning to their daily activities following the new order as the new normal.


As a modern company, the XL Axiata management has prepared everything to enter the new normal era. Breakthroughs and new innovations in services for new normal need to be found and carried out, so that when the new normal era comes, we are truly ready. XL Axiata must be ahead and be better prepared to face this pandemic, because we are a company that supports community activities, including other institutions. Currently, we have prepared a variety of innovative programs and services to improve the quality of services in the new normal era that is already in sight.


Dian Siswarini

President Director & CEO of PT XL Axiata Tbk

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