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Polrestabes Makassar Dismantled STB Device Theft Syndicate XL Axiata Safeguards XL SATU and XL HOME Customers' Security
The police successfully dismantled a Makassar-based syndicate involved in illegal STB XL SATU equipment trade. The syndicate comprised individuals posing as XL SATU personnel alongside their accomplices. Additionally, an STB device was seized as incriminating evidence from the perpetrators.

Makassar, May 10, 2024. PT XL Axiata Tbk (XL Axiata) is highly committed and resolute in addressing incidents of XL SATU STB device theft. XL Axiata's unwavering determination has been evident in its collaboration with law enforcement to combat the fraudulent STB theft syndicate claiming as XL SATU representatives. The Makassar Police, through their Criminal Investigation Unit, successfully arrested perpetrators involved in XL SATU customer deception within Makassar City in March 2024.


During this operation, the police effectively apprehended individuals engaged in embezzlement, deception, and fraud related to STB XL SATU in Makassar. Twelve suspected imposters, falsely claiming to be XL SATU officers, namely: E, A, A, IN, R, S, F, AA, A, were arrested. Additionally, three intermediaries, namely: M, S, A, were detained. From one of the suspects, identified as A, a substantial amount of evidence in the form of 64 STB units was secured. In total, 12 suspects were involved in this case.


Police Commissioner Devi Sujana, S.H., S.Ik., M.H, serving as the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit, stated, "Our team members were apprehended following a report from XL Axiata regarding an individual claiming to be an XL SATU officer, seeking to obtain STB devices for various reasons. This report gained credibility as additional information surfaced from the public, detailing instances of fake XL SATU officers confiscating STB devices. Polrestabes acknowledges the collaboration with the XL Axiata team, which promptly alerted local law enforcement upon discovering the theft."


Police Commissioner Dharma P Negara, S.Ik., M.H, Deputy Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit, further elaborated that initial examinations conducted by unit members revealed the fraudulent modus operandi employed by individuals identified as E, A, A, IN, R, S, F, AA, A. These suspects pretended as XL SATU officers and visited the residences of XL SATU customers. Presenting counterfeit XL SATU identification cards, the perpetrators inquired about payments for internet service extensions. Failure to comply led to the confiscation of the XL SATU device and termination of its subscription. The suspects face charges of Theft, Fraud, and Unlawful Detention, carrying maximum penalties of 7 years and 4 years of imprisonment, respectively.


Meanwhile, Ipda Nasrullah. A.Md, Kep, SE., MH, Head of Sub-unit 2 within the Jatanras Unit at Polrestabes Makassar, urged the public to promptly report any knowledge or suspicions of similar fraudulent activities to the nearest police station.


This criminal action, which targeted several homes of XL SATU customers in Makassar, has inflicted damage upon XL Axiata, disrupting its commitment to delivering optimal telecommunication services to its customers.


Currently, law enforcement is actively investigating this case to gather more comprehensive information, including determining whether the perpetrators were part of a syndicate and whether similar incidents have occurred in other regions.


​​XL Axiata's Group Head of Corporate Communications & Sustainability, Reza Mirza, expressed, ”On behalf of XL Axiata's management, we extend our gratitude to the Makassar Police for their prompt response to reports of alleged theft, fraud, and unlawful appropriation. We also underscored the significance of this arrest in potentially revealing the full extent of the criminal activities disrupting XL SATU services, alongside similar apprehensions in other regions like North Sumatra and Garut.”


Reza emphasized XL Axiata's steadfast commitment to protecting customers against telecommunications and data-related crimes. Consequently, XL Axiata encourages customers to promptly report any suspicions of criminal activity, such as attempted theft of XL SATU devices, to the police or through customer complaint channels at 820 (for XL users) and 08170123442 (for non-XL users). Customer reports will receive immediate attention, including appropriate escalation to law enforcement. Through such complaint mechanisms, XL Axiata aims to continue enhancing its service offerings across all aspects of its business operations, striving to achieve #better (#lebihbaik).


The incident in Makassar not only involved theft of XL SATU STB devices but also deceitful practices targeting numerous XL SATU customers. These actions have severely tarnished the company's reputation, despite XL Axiata's concerted efforts to uphold public trust and goodwill.


Advice to prevent fraud

To prevent future occurrences of such crimes, XL Axiata advises and encourages XL SATU customers to:


  • Request verification of the XL SATU officer's identity card and assignment letter, and verify with Customer Service at 820 (for XL numbers) and 08170123442 (for all operators) before proceeding.
  • Decline any requests for STB exchanges citing updates, as STB updates are conducted exclusively online.
  • Refuse to make bill payments through unofficial Virtual Accounts, transfers to personal accounts, cash transactions, or any other methods not endorsed by XL SATU.
  • Ensure bill payments are exclusively made through the myXL application or the official XL SATU payment channel, detailed at
  • Corporate Action & Finance